If you don't believe in miracles, listen to these stories of one simple day....
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
An Apple, A Kiwi and The Zohar ... Miracles, "OH MY"
If you don't believe in miracles, listen to these stories of one simple day....
Friday, March 26, 2010
48 Hours of Grace / Sagittarius & Capricorn in your FACE!

Woke up, arrow in hand.
Check email / Hard drive fried.
Facebook friends to rescue/genius appointment made.
2nd interview for Bartending Job
Realization; "Give up something, for so much more" / 50 days to reveal light
Be a team player.
Practice compassion.
Transform ego into humility.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Letting Go; Our Last Day at The Brooklyn Residential Center
Perhaps it was the energy of completing something that I never thought I would, or maybe its the peace of mind of having something behind you and the renewal of opportunity when the next door opens.
Maybe it's just because I hated school so much, that every "last day" was a day closer to me moving to New York to be a big star on Broadway.
Things change when you are the teacher. (Most of the Time)
Today was one of those "Last Day's" that I wished that I could have had a few more days of.
Each semester I continue My work with SFK in some capacity. Usually in the Youth/Teen division. Last year I had the opportunity to teach two groups of young men (13-19) at Rikers Island and this year the same principle that wast there invited us to come to his new location, The Brooklyn Residential Center.
The residential center is a home which houses young ladies who have been incarcerated for a previous period of time and allows them the opportunity to "get their feet wet" before heading back into the main world again. The girls are still incarcerated, but are treated with a little more freedom by allowing for home visits and for parent visitation.
I have learned in this line of work to take a very "Anything Goes" approach to what we do. There are reasons for that too, trust me. We have our days. Today, the last day, certainly was one of them.
Upon arriving to the location, we learned that one of the residents had gone AWOL. In doing so, she tied six bedsheet's together, busted the bars off her bedroom window and managed to escape nearly 4 stories below.
A remarkable fete I commented.
It was obvious that she planned the whole thing very carefully.
Things happen for a reason, ya know. This is no different.
In our class, as we said good bye with pretty pink cupcakes and some pop music, you could see the wheels spinning in our ladies heads.
Always open for an opportunity, I let them hash it all out. Several of them were rather proud of their "Superhero" sister that got away. But the majority of them had some incredible insight that suggested that our last 10 weeks there was not in vain. The comparison to what they had learned in our class vs. the choice their "Escape Sister" made, was unbelievable. One of them even pointed out that maybe if she could have been in the class longer, she would have thought differently.
"The chick that got away" I told them, "was brilliant" They looked at me puzzled. I went on to tell them that she is incredibly powerful and smart. The problem was what she was doing with all those gifts. If she could only transform them from her own selfish choices and use them for the good of others, with "skillz" like that, she could be in the CIA one day.
Their eyes got really wide when I said that. One of the more honest ones said "You know something, Daniel. You are right. We could. But I know, for me, it's easier here. I think it's comfortable to live the negative lifestyle."
Always a sucker for one's honesty, I thanked her and gave her this analogy that my teacher once shared with me;
"Image that you are going to the movies. You have everything you need to have a good time - a friend, some popcorn, some juju beads. The movie starts, and about 10 minutes in you know it's gonna be really crap movie. However, next door you can hear everyone oohing and ahhing at the latest James Cameron blockbuster that you have not seen yet. What do you do? Do you sit there and watch your crap movie, or do you get up and go see the better one?"
"I'll go see the bettah one" She said. They all agreed.
"The life you are living now is that first movie" I continued. "That movie playing next door, is the movie your life could be, if you made some different choices"
"How" she inquired with great interest.
"Take the first step. Get up and move. Make a conscious choice that you want the movie of your life to be a blockbuster"
"Wow" "I just got everything you been teaching me" She said as she starred at me in amazement.
There was a long pause, as I watched the wheels turn in her head.
They were incredibly great full for the time we shared with them. In their own special way, they each pledged to work hard to transform and not make the same choices again.
This is the part where I tell you, that this makes it very hard for me to accept the fact that it's 'The Last Day of School".
But I did, and I let go knowing that they are in the hands of the universe.
Let go. What a lesson for a day full of Scorpio energy!
To learn more about Success For Kids visit www.sfk.org
Now onto Saggitarius;
Sagittarius – Stand up for Something You Believe in. Don’t be Complacent.
Tips for the month of Sagittarius
· Practice forgiveness
· Look out for details
· Make a commitment and stick to it
· Analyze the whole situation before making a decision
· Be more sensitive to others; watch what you say
Monday, March 22, 2010
A Balancing Act; Picking Up From Before
Warm, it was (always ranges in between 100 - 125 deg) but definitely not cozy! I was not prepared for the humidity that made doing 28 asana's (poses) like trudging through the trenches on a hot Florida day!
But I made it through.
That's what they say the important part is - just to make it through. Hard concept for a Virgo, trust me. We want everything to be perfect, including our sweaty asana's.
I tried to concentrate with "English Bull Dog Determination & Bengal Tiger Strength" and found my mind (and my spiritual guides) helping me make sense of it all by way of comparing these two hours to my 33 years of life.
Yoga is such a metaphor for life.
This is what I had to remind myself of today in my heated room, whilst on my toes praying in padangustatsa.
Don't give up.
When you begin to fall, just put your hands on the ground and catch your balance.

Once you've got it, lift your gaze to see yourself in the mirror.
Return to stillness.
This is life.
After Yoga, I met an old friend for lunch. My friend and I have gone through waves of closeness through the past 15 years. Regardless of what is going on in each other lives though we are always there for each other. No matter what.
Brad (not his real name) has been through a huge battle over the last 6 years. A battle that includes abuse, neglect and an affair with Crystal Meth. This guy who has always been talented and handsome beyond his own belief, has - in recent years- lost his sense of self. When I started to notice his dance with destruction I became gravely concerned. Unfortunately, you can not help someone who doesn't want help, so I had to sit back and do what I could from a far.
Brad is a fighter, thank god, and always has been. At one point he even turned his battle with Meth into a one-man-show that got the attention of producers at CNN.
I never lost faith.
When I saw him today, he was different. I noticed immediately that the luster in his eyes was beginning to return. He asked me questions about spirituality and the mechanics of the universe and we talked like we have never talked before. And trust me, we have talked before! but what was different this time was that ee listened. To each other.
For the first time in a long time, I feel confident that Brad is going to come out of his challenges making a huge difference in his life, and those around him.
I share this with you, because it was a huge reminder to me about how vital it is to never give up. Not on our friends, on our loves one, on ourselves.
Never to give up on our hopes and dreams. Our Passions.
Never give up the ability we have to constantly create and recreate something from nothing.
To transform ourselves.
Remember Bikram -
Don't give up.
When you begin to fall, just put your hands on the ground and catch your balance.
Make up your mind, you won't fail.
Once you've got it, lift your gaze to see yourself in the mirror.
Return to stillness.
We have to remember that the light of the creator NEVER gives up on us. As we are "Created in his image" we must constantly remind ourselves.
Thanks for listening. I will never give up on you.
Now we enter the energy of Scorpio. Here are the specs;
Scorpio – Don’t Hate Yourself. Don’t Judge or Be Jealous of Others.
Tips for the month of Scorpio
· Stay calm; don’t create crises
· Be proactive
· Think of consequences on self and others
· Invite the Light in
· Achieve fulfillment through self-control
· Don’t control
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Back On Track / Tipping the Scales

Tips for the month of Libra
· Make decisions and be certain about them
Like, Do I take that job or not?
· Don’t question past decisions
Oh, you mean, like I am right now?
· Share for the right reasons
Saturday, March 20, 2010
As Children Do
taught over the years, how now my only involvement in their lives is
to give over to the light, my fear and worry for their safety and well
I can't help but ask "What More could I have done?"
I have one student in particular, we'll call him Keith.
Keith found the direct route to my soul. He came into my class nearly
half way through the year. He moved to Far Rockaway directly from
Puerto Rico. His Mom, Sister and He escaped the violence of his father
and fled to the states to live with their uncle.
Keith picked up immediately. He is charismatic, sensitive and
incredibly intelligent. He begged me to teach him all that he had
missed in the previous 5 months. So I did.
He excelled so much that I selected him to come to Wales for an
international summer camp with over 200 kids from around the world.
The summer camp changed his life. He could not stop talking about it
for years to come and begged me every year if he could go to the next.
Fortunately enough, that was the last summer camp we ever had, and I
am thankful he had that experience.
What was going on in his home life, was well masked by his humor and smile.
I learned from school officials that his Mom had lost her job and they
had no choice but to relocate to a shelter in Manhattan.
I called his Mom to confirm what I had heard. It was all true. The
hospital she was working in as a receptionist had fired her for
"mental instability".
I asked her how that could be and she told me the horror, that her
brother had started smoking crack and was being abusive to her
children. They all shared one bedroom together in his apartment and
now he was kicking them out.
For the rest of the semester I kept Keith in my after school program
and drove him back to the shelter in the city afterwards. He continued
to beam with gratitude and appreciation for everything he had. He
held a lot of resentment toward his father and all the male role
models who he turned to. Except me, he said. I was "a little bit like
a brother, but I would rather have you for a father" he told me.
Several weeks after that, his mom had to relocate him to a school in
Manhattan to be closer to their shelter. She called regularly to check
in, but always when I called back the number was disconnected or
I think of Keith regularly and always wonder, how I could have done
more. I pray that his intelligence and street smarts have kept him out
of gangs and that his care for his Mom and Sister are enough to feed
his "be a man" machismo in a healthy way.
Keith is but one of hundreds of these stories. Many far, far, far,
more painful to hear.
I thank them all for making me a man. Pushing me to face the truth,
that I am not the center of the universe, but inspiring me to be an
important star in their's.
If you want to learn more about the work I do with Success For Kids or
to make a donation go to sfk.org.
Sent from my iPhone
Just Moments later...
After I wrote the above, I went to a lecture and meditation at the Kabbalah Center. Last summer I had the opportunity to teach a family class there for members of the community. Each week, I get to see a lot of the same students that I taught in that class. Several of the girls ALWAYS make us Art projects and we come home and decorate our fridge with their creations and absolutely adore each of them. This week, Miriam's gift to me was quite profound. She made the piece below which features a picture of me surrounded by stars and a Kiwi fruit holding up the 72 Name of God for Certainty. Quite chillingly, I should tell you that the nickname of the boy above is "Kiwi".
The 72 Names of God, aren't "Names" per say. They are a combination of letters that are contained within the story of the splitting of the red sea in the book of Exodus from the bible. While all of them are powerful in their unique way, Certainty is the tool we need above everything. Certainty is not knowing that "Things are going to happen the way I want them to happen". Certainty is having nothing short of complete trust in the creator and the perfection of the universe. Certainty is knowing that everything is in the creators hands and what you are experiencing, or going through, is just what your soul needs to go to it's next level.
I guess the angels sent me this message by way a very special messenger because I need to be reminded that all of these Children are in the creator's hands, with the tools I have been given to share with them, my job is to let go know, without any shadow of a doubt, they are taken care of.
Not an easy task, but thanks to Miriam, I am reminded 'Trust the Light; Kiwi will be fine".
Friday, March 19, 2010
Mr. Task Master !

Cancer – Break False Sense of Security. Let Go of Something That Provides Security.
Tips for Cancer
· Let go of fears and possessions
· Take a risk – Trust the Light
· Create a space for the Light
· Do a sharing action daily
· Count your blessings
· Live in the present
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
A Little Bit of This, A While Lot of That

Gemini – Focus and Commit
Tips for the month of Gemini
· Focus on details
· See the big picture
· Finish what you start
· Trust the Light, not your mind
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Fighting the Ram, Red Flag in Hand

Tips for the month of Taurus
· Listen to others
· Embrace discomfort
· Actively share with others
· Transform complacency to movement
Notes on Taurus from our Teacher, Eitan Yardenni;
Our natural tendencey is not the get out of our comfort zone. However one of the best ways to break fears, laziness and tiredness is to chase after the opportunity to break this comfort. Shut the mind down, jump into action. This alone allows us the opportunity and the strength to overcome.
The goal is to build natural desire to go beyond our comfort zone to go for this aspect and fire of sharing, that we know is the right thing to do.
When we face a situation, the only thing we can do is change the desire. Do I "want" to or do I not? today, lets jump into action into the things that we know we should do , but those that we procrastinate in doing.
One thing recommended; anything you know you should do - jump to do it. Do not hesitate. Go all the way, without hesitation.
When we feed our body the whole way with pleasures, like food, sleep, sex etc, we give power to our heaviness and laziness. However when we do not go "all the way" with these desires by cutting off 25% of the physical comfort it diffusses the heaviness of the body and connect the soul a lot easier.
Monday, March 15, 2010
A New Month, A New Year ... A Better Version of Myself.

· Remember the past to avoid repeating mistakes
· Before acting – ask for the Light to guide you
· Decrease ego by remembering we are just a channel for Light
· Empathize with others
· Avoid conflict
In accordance with the guidelines above here are my commitments.
1) Remember always that when people ask me for advice (which they do a lot) that they are not asking "me" for advice, but trusting that I am a channel for the light. It's often hard for me, because I am quick to help someone because I think I "know", even when I don't.
2) I can be very critical, not necesarily with malice, but because I have a "keen" eye for things. Often I speak and have been known to sound as though I have a "Fork Tounge" that stings. I am going to try to transform this as well, by empathizing with others to see that I am truly coming from the right place.
3) I am not a very confrontational person in general, but I want to use the Aires to help me to be more confrontational, in a proactive way. Using the above tools, I know I can be successful in that, but it is one of the hardest things for me.
4) I am going to complete the task of sharing in this blog my journey through these 12 days. Also, to GO to Yoga as much as possible (I have slacked in the last 4 days) and to work on my screenplay (which I have also procrastinated on).
There you have it.
"See" you tomorrow ! CHODESH TOV EVERYONE !
Friday, March 12, 2010
Happy Birthday Jack !

No jokes the cosmos tell, as I walk down the same streets as you and your clodhoppers of the 1950's, near Colombia Uni. I can almost smell your rotten football gear, hear your yell of howling bellows of joy and pain, feel your love. This is not your New York, buddy, this is my New York now. Your New York of yore, with it's industry and spontaneity and naivety, that (thank god) you painted clearly with your words, reminding us to live a little, have some fun, get into some trouble, let go, loose the labels and to love, love, love, whatever that meant to you. So today your words help us to pay back, what was before and remind us, that nothing is what it appears to be, yet, it's so much more.
I'm on my way back to 1967 today. Two years before you left this crazy world, but long after you gave into your woes. You, the original "hippie", before the rest of America knew what a hippie was, you gave the soul to a generation long before they could put a name, or a mane, on it. Because of you, I get to make Art today, because of your inspiration, imagination, figuration of life through special lens! Wow! I just got a whiff off my old road, not some asphalt or tar, but the aroma of a clove cigarette burning sweetly against the aroma of an Italian Roast; we know how you love anything Italian- Dante, Dames, Dungarees, Dripping Espresso. Dudes…
Thank You, Jack. Thank you, Alan, William and Neal. Without your Roads, Your Hippo's and Your Howls, I would not write. Without you Jack, I would have no commas and commas tell a story some grammar teacher would hurl at. Run on this fragment of my imagination baby!
Make a big wish today, buddy. You are in my heart forever.
Monday, March 8, 2010
My Avatar

Sunday, March 7, 2010
What ?

Friday, March 5, 2010
Liar, Liar !

In 5th Grade, I moved to a different school.
Public school had gotten pretty stressful for this chunky, rather, girly little boy. My grandmother, a devout Seventh Day Adventist, suggested that the cure for my public-school-misery would be a proper parochial education.
So off I went, as she graciously dug into her pocket to see that my needs were met.
Upon arriving into my new environment, I discovered a few things that made me very, very, scared.
First of all, everyone in my 5th grade class (all 40 or so of them) had gone to school together and/or had known each other nearly their entire lives. If not from school then from the neighboring church only a few hundred feet away.
Everyone knew each other, and every one's parents knew each other.
That left me out in the cold, pretty much. I can't really blame them, I really had nothing to offer. I wasn't cute, rich or have any kickball talent. I did have a gregarious personality underneath it all, but they weren't really ready to get that deep yet. Neither was I.
Within the first month, I began to make up stories as to why I couldn't go to school. I physically made myself sick all the time and it was beginning to become a concern as I would start crying watching the time creep nearer to 8:10am, when the bell was to ring for morning prayer.
All of this concerned my Grandmother. Her plan for my religious education was going awry.
Being one of the Grand Dame's of the church, she marched her hot little self into the principles office on one of my "Sick Days" and expressed her concern.
Much to my chagrin, her words echoed from God's heart. On another one of my made-up misery days off from school, the principle had a "talk" with my entire class.
The next day, I was the most popular kid in class.
Or, so I thought.
The kid who reached his heart and hand out to me immediately was by far the smartest kid in school. He was the funny type too, and kinda krass in that 5th grade-boy way.
I will call him Sam. (not his real name)
Sam and I became quick friends. Something I had not had in a really, really, long time. Sam was the kinda kid that would do anything for you. We even entered the Spelling Bee together, which I won. Everybody was shocked. Especially Sam! None-the-less, he rooted for me in the coming levels.
I was so thankful to have Sam as a friend that I didn't want to loose him. I also didn't want him to know who I really was. I lied to him about everything; What kinda grades I got, How many pets I had, that I LOVED snakes, how wealthy My parents were, My rich Italian heritage and the hot Italian girlfriend I had from My old school, and even ... My birthday. You see, Sam's birthday was actually only 4 days after mine, but I thought he would like me better if I told him that my birthday was the same day. Then we could even celebrate together when the time came!
The following summer, we signed up to go to summer camp together. I hated every second of it. The hoarse that freaked out on me, the boys who farted and thought it was funny, the mean counselors. You name it, I hated it (except the food, of course!)
The last day of camp My parents surprised Sam and I by coming to pick BOTH of us up. I knew things were gonna get sticky when I saw my grandmother with them (Not, the "Grand Damme"). This was the Grandmother whom I had told Sam was Italian and spoke with a very thick accent.
Immediately, as the universe would have it, Sam introduced himself to her and said "I thought you were from Italy".
My Grandmother with her southern accent, laughed it off. I, however, was cringing inside. As we hit the road, all the lies started to come to a head. It was literally, the longest two hour drive in my life. The whole way home Sam kept asking my family about all these things I had lied to him about and each one turned up to be yet again, another disappointment to my friend.
After we dropped Sam off at home, he never spoke to me again.
I tried reaching out to him several times over the course of the rest of that summer but he never returned my calls.
I can't blame him really. Who would want to be friends with a complete illusion? The truth of the matter was, I was so unsatisfied with my life and who I was. I didn't want to be chunky and girlie, but I also didn't want to do anything about it either. So to escape, I would make up my own life, full of fantasy and fun. To me it was all real.
I now see why nobody liked me. I didn't like myself.
Many years later as I grew to love the person I was becoming, Sam started to speak to me again casually. As our days at church school were coming to an end and we were walking down our 8th grade graduation isle to threw our caps high in the sky, Sam had forgiven me. Not with his words, but with his actions. God Bless him.
Fast forward some 20 years later. "Sam" adds me as a "friend" on Facebook. As expected he seems to be doing great. He has a beautiful wife and appears very successful.
In my dream last night, Sam's Mom came to a Kabbalah lecture I was giving. As she signed up, I didn't recognize her face, but noticed her name. I asked her if she was Sam's Mom and if she remembered me. She asked me my name and I told her "I used to be Bobby Tuttle". She looked puzzled. She remembered the name, "What do you mean used to be?" She responded a bit abrasively. Knowing full well her disappointment at seeing me and trying to reconcile the kid I was then with the man in front of her, I explained "My Name is Daniel Now". She smiled with great relief. "I was worried for a minute" she continued "I was about to leave when you said who you used to be" I began to listen carefully "This class would have never worked for me, if it was being taught by Bobby, but now I see you are Daniel now I can tell how much you have changed. It inspires me to think that great things are ahead for us all".
Then I woke up.