Thursday, May 13, 2010

10 Things For Gemini !

Well dear friends, it's here. You have asked me WHEN the next 10 things will go up and I can no longer further delay your gratification! On that note, thank you for reaching out and telling me how much you enjoy the monthly column.

One of the reasons that I have delayed so much in posting the 10 things, is because we have been in an intense period of cosmic goo, called Mercury in RETROGRADE. As of today, Mercury goes direct and it's now ok to move forward with starting new things, as a matter of fact, it's encouraged! The moon enters the constellation of Gemini today, and as is on any new moon, it is encouraged to plant new seeds, renew commitments, and set a plan for the coming month.

So here goes !

10) Holiday Blend Coffee from Barney's Coffee Company (Orlando, FL)
Ironic isn't it ? Lately the weather has been rather cold and clammy for this time of year.
I had one day in which I had to break out my cable sweater and make good on one last round with my UGGS for the season. Low and behold, in my freezer, I found a pound of Barneys Coffee Company's Holiday Blend Coffee! I had been saving it for a "snowy" day. While it wasn't exactly snowy - it was cold ! and my Holiday Blend kept me cozy.
This delicious blend is a bold bean with flavors of amaretto and cinnamon. Being a seasonal selection, it's only around for about 2 months out of the year, so I will savor each scoop of this deliciousness.

9) Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (
This book has been around for decades (1930's) and contains millionaire success secrets
from the wealthiest men of that time including; Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and many Others. The book has always been one of the top in it's field and I finally managed to download a copy to my Kindle (for $.99 I MIGHT ADD). What have I discovered since ? All these men had one very massive thing in common. MIND OVER MATTER.

8) Jamie Cullum - The Pursuit (itunes)
While searching for new arrangements for the title song of our Cabaret show, we found in one man, some skills
that out define my favorite word, Amazing.
This young English jazz singer, will give you chills with his endearing vocals and inspire your soul to sing to in a multitude of ways with his keys.

7) Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson (
Every once in a while a piece of theater comes a long that truly "takes center stage". This one will be on the tips of theaterfolk
tongue for a long time commin'!
Beginning this weekend, they are adding a late night Saturday performance for $50 (including a cocktail)

Story telling at it's finest, this rock musical perfectly illustrates the history of one of our earliest presidents, founder of the democratic party, Mr. Andrew Jackson. Exploring his egocentric need to dominate, the first words out of his mouth are
"You Are Sexy .." to the audience.
Told through a score of head banging hits, led by Benjamin Walker (as one sexy version of Mr. Jackson) this musical is sure to ignite Broadway in the near future.
Now playing at the Public Theater, "Booody, Bloody ..." has already received two extensions to it's sold out run.

If you can, you must.

6) Horseradish Martini (Pravda on Lafayette St. in Soho)
There are no words to describe. Just experience for yourself.
This smooth Russian vodka is infused with fresh horseradish for a period of time, then is served chilled straight up. I know it sounds nasty, but you just have to trust me on this

5) Uninhibited Perfume (no longer available in stores)
When I was about 12 or so, I used to go with my mom shopping to the mall, as all pre-pubescent boys do. I always found myself wandering through the perfume department (both sexes!!!) because I found so much candy for my 5 senses there. Pretty bottles, colourful adverstisments, and luxurious smells.
If I do recall, the year was about 1988, and as I walked through the counters at Burdines Department Store a lovely lady with very big hair and a southern accent handed me a sample of "Uninhibited" "It's by Cher, your Mom will love it as a gift" she said to me as she handed me a card with the perfume sprayed on it.
Well, it never made it to my Mom because I LOVED it. I had no clue who Cher was or
that she was such a sex symbol at the time. I didn't even know what the word "Uninhibited" meant! but I kept that card in my backpack at school and it's luxurious scent always cheered me up. I remember thinking that I was very wealthy when I smelled it, and that propelled me to think like the star I wanted to become - even in math class!
Every time I went back to Burdines I would beg them for a sample. I never did end up owning my own bottle of the perfume because it was discontinued by the time I made enough money to fork over my Benjamin's. Until now ... So for kicks a month or so back, I went searching on Ebay for it and sure enough - I found a brand new bottle of the pure perfume! The dealer told me how rare it was and how it would never go bad since it was the pure stuff, so ... I bought it.
Now, I enjoy exploring it as a layer to another oil I have in
my cabinet by Red Flower, A Cardamom and Amber oil. Together they give off a very special aroma that blends, for me, the past with the future.

4) How To Train Your Dragon (in 3D)
If anyone would have ever told you that this was my favorite movie thus far this year, I know you would never believe them. That's why I am telling you directly. THIS IS MY FAVORITE MOVIE THIS YEAR SO FAR !!!!
3) Cabaret Theater
Cabaret has been around for ages. Essentially it's an "ACT" that a performer(s) creates to share something from their heart through their gifts and talents. I have always loved going to Cabaret clubs and seeing other performers do their thing, and always wanted to do a show of my own, but never had the opportunity.

Until Now ...

2) "Not While I'm Around" - A Simple Cabaret, About the Complexities of Friendship. Featuring Tommy Foster and Daniel Bobby Tuttle
Wednesday, June 23rd @ 7pm - The Duplex Theater to make a reservation

Tommy and I have been friends for nearly fifteen years. We have had our ups and we've had our downs. But one thing has always remained and that is that we have always been there for each other. Through some of our favorite songs we share the roller coaster that has been our lives, both together
and apart.

1) Proactive Confrontation !!!!
Sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it ? until now I learn the secrets !
Where has this one been all my life. For me confrontation has gotten a bad wrap. I have never been one to ruffle feathers, for sake of not being liked (Shocker !!!)

When, I think confrontation I think Rocky Balboa.
And Lets face it, I'm far more Adrian. This Italian stallion doesn't want to ruffle it's mane!
So, you ask what changed my mind?

I learned that by not confronting someone or something, you prevent both yourself and the other person from growing. When you use the tools below, you have the opportunity to see things from a different perspective and remove your ego from the equation.

Here are some pointers;

1) Take responsibility. It's in your movie for a reason. Being a victim only perpetuates the drama.

2) wait 3 days before you act. In this time self reflect and send the other person complete unconditional love.

3) When confronting the person, always ask them "may I share something with you"

4) Always thank them for the opportunity to share. After all, it's a chance for you to grow.

( 5 ) (I'm adding this one myself) After you are successful in your confrontation, be humbled by it. Don't go around boasting to yourself and others how "you were always right all along". You will just short circuit and have to go through the same lesson all over again.

That's it my friends. See you next Rosh Chodesh (New Moon) with the 10 things for June!

1 comment:

  1. Love "Think & Grow Rich" (my dad gave each of us a copy when I was in college - long before The Secret, there was Napoleon Hill!)

    And thank you for your Proactive Confrontation pointers. So good to keep in mind. SO good!
    xoxox -- s
