Friday, February 18, 2011

Getting To Heaven, Via Hell

There are always hurdles to jump over, without a doubt. But I wonder ... Are you feeling like things are not happening for you? Do you sit around wondering when things will change? Are you tired of looking at the same ole face in the mirror?

I know. Me too.

That became the "Tipping" point for me.

I've been waiting for something to break in my business, something to happen to me, sitting around hoping things would change in my environment, wondering when I was going to loose that extra poundage that I had meritoriously gained by delighting in the luxury of being cloaked in winter's coats!

Alas, nothing happened ! WTF????

Waiting for things to change around me had been the cause of all my reactivity. Perhaps I was just so stuck in my mechanics to realize that I was in the drivers seat and I was the only one who could shift the gear into place.
If you've ever seen me behind a stick shift, it's not pretty. Jumping, bumping and screeching until the gear gets in place. That is SOO the way it is in life for me.
But when I'm in ... I'm in. I needed The Power To Change Everything.

I've been thinking about several things that I always wanted to do. One of them has been producing. As someone who works in the entertainment business, it DOES become the norm to sit and wait for casting directors and agents to call. In the misery of many others in my position, I found the comfort of remaining in that stagnant place. I had idea's ... some smart, some not so, and some brilliant. One idea was borrowing large sum's of money to invest in Indie Pictures that I believed in. Another more futile effort involved selling shares of a friends restaurant to gain some capital to invest!

Then, while as a guest at a friends practically Martha Stewart New Years Day Brunch it hit me. I am surrounded by some of the most amazing, talented, and creative people in New York. I wanted everyone to see their brilliance and I wanted to give them a frame to showcase their talent.
While watching a documentary called "10 Questions for The Dali Lama" came the name. The speaker on the movie was sharing the ultimate experience through the eyes of the most enlightened souls in the world. He said, a monk of Buddhism will PAY ATTENTION to everything. Every word, every sound, every single breath. In it he will find the beauty of the creator.

This would become the basis for my show. I would call it "Paying Intention" and I would seek to answer the questions that I had been searching for the answers to, by interviewing and showcasing these brilliant and talented people in my life.

"How do I make my dreams come true?"
"How do I take the necessary leap of faith in finding the courage to do what was needed?
"What really is my PURPOSE?"

But now that I had the idea, How would I do this ?

I turned to my Kabbalah Teacher; David Ghiyam. He had 3 very wise words for me;


God? That's a tall order, I replied

"Think about it.." He went on.

"God is all knowing, all loving and only knows how to do one thing ... "

What's that? I said.


BAM! I got it. Almost instantly. This is exactly what we are here to do, CREATE AND SHARE.
That's what I had to do. Get busy, because God doesn't wait for nobody, and God's doesn't judge that which he creates, so my "Fear of Failure" clause that always immobilized me, immediately became NULL and VOID.

My first step of action was propose the idea of this "Paying Intention" show to people who inspire me. I gathered a list, made some phone calls, and within moments we had content, and great content at that.

"Paying Intention Hosted By Daniel Bobby Tuttle" Launched it's first episode on February 6, 2011. Setting the stage for all future episodes, Episode 1 deals with the spirit and helping people to get to their source by understanding that our soul MUST shine. In order to do so, we must get to know it.
The second episode, a spiritual Ode to Valentines Day; focused on how to love yourself with honesty and integrity, launched a week later to rave reviews.
This weekend a special "Passion for Fashion" episode airs, empowering people to take inventory of the things they love and go for them!

Since the launch of "Paying Intention" we have gained several subscribers and have had inspiring feedback that has fueled us to go further.

"Follow Your Bliss and doors will open where you would have not thought there would be doors?" - Joseph Campbell

When I decided to dive into this venture, the most incredible miracles began to surface. People came into my life to help, as if they were ushered in by angels. Messages came from people at the most opportune moments, messages from viewers who had been touched by one of our segments. Moments when I felt like giving up and throwing in the towel.

Perhaps the biggest miracle of all has been the blatant display of my "Un-Godly" traits. Forcing me to deal with demons that I didn't know I had. These are the same demons that tried to keep me "waiting" for things to happen to me.

Whatever happens with "Paying Intention" is in the hands of the Light, but the lesson for me has been life changing. Do it. Go for it. Don't wait for anything or anyone to do it for you. You have the power to create miracles.

Becoming like God is hell. But at least you know the only way to go it up.

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