Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Momentous Hours Ahead, Change is In The Air

Weather you know it or not, your life is about to change. There is a significant cosmic influence on our horizon, not the kind that is going to destroy the earth, but the kind that can rock YOUR world forever.

September 29, the new moon of Libra dawns; which means we also enter the female months of the zodiac. Aires through Virgo are the the Male months, months for planting seeds, self reflecting, and collecting the garbage you will dispose of and let go of in the following "female" months (Libra through Pisces). More importantly, these coming months are for manifestation, for the actualization of all those seeds you've been planting since Aires. This particular new moon is also commonly known to those born with Jewish blood as Rosh Hashanah, literally translated from the hebrew to mean, "Head of the Year". Not by coincidence. The ancient Hebrews knew the mechanics of the universe and finally in our time, we all have the merit to benefit from their wisdom..

Do you feel as though things happen too fast for you to keep up and that time is flying by at the speed of light?

As 2012 approaches time will only accelerate more and it's up to us to figure out how we will make the best of the energy and use it to our benefit, rather than our detriment. One obvious thing we will start to notice is the connection between cause and effect taking place much quicker, and not necessarily more mercifully. Imagine if the minute you took something that didn't belong to you, you immediately lost something dear to you. Would you reconsider your once self-warranted barrage of satisfaction? Probably not. We see the result of this energy happening all around us, especially with issues regarding Money and Power. Our economy is in the tanks and the onslaught of pervading dictatorships globally show this.

What does this mean for you? Jewish or not, we are all effected by this great cosmic occurrence. Especially this year, as it's the last new moon of Libra, before the year 2012. Now, more than ever is the time for REALA change. I'm not talking about changing the curtains and buying a killer pair of stilettos, (but you should do that too ;) ). I'm talking about personal change, change that requires us to find out who we really are and what our purpose is within the fabric of the universe and then committing to living that purpose. We need your help, every single one of us, as we can no longer navigate through this world without becoming unified.

It's not easy to live your purpose. As a matter of fact, once you think you've discovered it, it becomes even harder to actualize. Opposition is tough and the opposition doesn't want you to win. You were made to be great and any doubt that surfaces from this statement is simply the curtain that has been put up by your own personal opponent to distract you from becoming who you we're meant to be.

In the next 48 hours do some soul searching. Figure out what stops you from becoming who you were intended to be. Be honest with yourself and put yourself out there by asking people who love you and care for you closely to help you. Ask yourself first, what are the traits about myself that are no longer serving my purpose anymore? Then ask your loved ones what they think you can work on. Personally, one of my shortcomings is my lack of follow through. I MUST see things to their fruition, from the big things like projects, blog posts, webisodes, and other things professionally to personal things, like doing things I say I'm going to do - like meet a friend for coffee or simply, returning phone calls. I am horrible at this. Commitment is what it might be called, though I never saw commitment as a weakness of mine, I realize when something is green - DON'T TRY TO CALL IT YELLOW !
This year I have discovered that this commitment issue has reared it's ugly head in my face for me to deal with, once and for all.

If I were to take this ONE thing on and make the COMMITMENT to change it, not just work on it like I've been saying for years, but really working on it for good, I am certain the movie of my life would become more like James Cameron's Epic, AVATAR, than a smaller content little film like "Broken Hearts Club".( See, you've never even heard of that one have you? - point made.)
That's kinda like my life - a content, happy, little independent film that doesn't make waves or take risks. I want Epic. I want Avatar. I want to be the biggest box office draw ever that breaks boundaries, takes risks, and makes people think. I want to live the movie that rakes in billions globally. I want to be 5-D.

This morning as I was running an errand for my better half, a few things occurred to me. (As you do things for others, messages come louder and clearer) Within the matter of thirty minutes I received some funny omens from the universe;

Growing up, the rock group THE BEATLES, didn't do much but get under my skin. Their sound make me cringe and the dorky excitement displayed by my father when they came on the radio magnified my irritation (Forget the fact that I act just as dorky when a Madonna song comes on the radio). Recently, these little beatles have become little messengers from the light than critters of annoyance. For example, while I was in line today at Starbucks the song "Yesterday" began playing in the background.

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

The past is just as significant as the present as it has affected us in ways that manifest in the now. This little critter called the Beatles, reminds me to forgive the past and all these troubles go away because they no long carry significance in our present, IF we can learn to let go of them. That is the test, to forgive and let go. Forgive yourself for all the shortcomings of your past, forgive everyone who has hurt you, or you them, directly and indirectly. There is no more room on this plane for all of our baggage. Now is an excellent time to get rid of that burden. LET GO. FORGIVE AND FORGET.

The following little Beatles jig that came on was the classic "Come Together".

He say "I know you, you know me"
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free
Come together right now over me

It served as a reminder that we are all the same. At the cellular level (both spiritually and physically) we are created in the image of the divine, and divine is within each of us. It's often very hard to see the good in someone with whom you have disagreement or anxiety. Especially if you go as far as to say you "hate" someone. It's these people whom we should bring closer and love as if they were a part of our own soul - because they are.

Last but not least, as I approached my Chinatown apartment I tuned into a little Asian man playing his harmonica in the park. The tune was familiar. As I listened closer I realized it was everyone's ole stand by New Years eve song, "Auld Lang Syne" and at first I thought the irony of a little Chinese man humming the New Year anthem at the eve of Rosh Hashanah was interesting, at best. Then I looked up the lyrics, and it all "came together" ... Over me.

Should old acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne!

The new year brings us hope for peace,
A new day for mankind,
Where we can all live hand in hand
And leave all hate behind.

For auld lang syne, my dear.
For auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne.

When dreams they seem so far away,
Your soul can feel so low.
But love is never far away;
Your heart won't be alone.

Let's make a world where people care,
A world that knows no fear,
Where we can open up our hearts
And hold each other dear.

Our children grow, they need to know
The Future's theirs to hold.
If we can teach them how to love
Then the world can carry on.

For auld lang syne, my dear.
For auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup of kindness yet

L'Shanna Tovah (Happy New Year) to everyone, filled with blessings, peace and prosperity.

Sent from my iPad

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