Monday, March 19, 2012

What impressed you today? #RollerJournal

What impressed you today? God impressed me today. How the magic and the wonder of this magnificent force of creation can turn such ugly days, into glorious ones. In the blink of an eye. I am impressed at my own resilience to withstand the balagon of ugliness in my head. How angry I can be? Nobody knows. Nobody even assumes, because GOD Has given me a fierce game face. I am impressed by the process. I am impressed with my patience towards it. I am impressed that someone who has never really given me the time of day, sat with me at lunch. He asked me "what do you do?" I hope your NOT an actor he said. "because it would be such a waste to have such a handsome face stuck behind the camera, without the film rolling. He said "your the best stand-in ever, and in such high demand. You're fucked, if you don't hop the train and switch tracks, you're gonna be doing this for the rest of your life. Which is fine, if all your looking for is your blue-cross and blue-shield" I'm impressed, that I restricted.

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