Tuesday, January 29, 2013

From the Well, I Write

Sunday's are very special for me. Not because I go to church, or spend the day getting drunk brunching with friends. Sunday is the day that I spend with about 20 of the most amazing kids I have ever met. For the last several years I have had the merit to teach a program called "Kabbalah For Kids". Yes, you heard that right, Kabbalah for Kids.

In this semester we formulated a curriculum implementing the lessons of Kabbalah with a simple concept; The Map.
We taught them that, LIFE ... is just like a Map. You have to know where you are (point A) to know where you want to go (point B). Only by looking within and taking inventory of our lives here and now can we determine how we are every going to achieve that which we really want in the future.

In the class we inspire kids to dream big and to imagine what their "perfect" life will be like. What life would be like if the "had it all" and if they were successful at the career that they had chosen to pursue as adults. I know what you are thinking;

"Are 10 year old's really attune to what they want to be when they grow up?"

Yes, they are. "Grow up" is the relative term here. Some of them are more grown up than many adults I know, other look to making it through fourth grade as "Growing Up". You would be surprised at how well they know what they want. For example: I have the student who wants to be the next JK ROWLING and continue the Harry Potter series (and also star as Harry, himself in the movie versions of his novels!!!) but I also have kids who understand that they simply just want to be happier, or to be less jealous of their sibling, or over come being shy.

Trust me. They KNOW what they want. 

One particular child inspired me to write this post, and god willing, set off a maelstrom of creativity within me; Here is why... 

One week, I had the opportunity to meet with every student one on one. I wanted to sit down with them, give them my undivided attention, and see what was on their mind. At the conclusion of the meeting, we formulated a map, so to speak, that highlighted some goals, both immediate and long term, that they wanted to achieve. This child and I have known each other for many years. She has been in my class since she was about five years old, in some capacity or another (She is about to turn 10). Her parents are certainly role models, not only as parents, but as individuals in and outside of their community. They are unrelenting in giving their children what they need to be the best versions of themselves. When I asked this particular child what she aspired to, she said simply and affirmatively "I want to be like you". I inquired how;

 "I want to be a writer and an actor" She said. She continued ...

 "Actually, I want to write most of all and I know that you write, alot.  Poetry and stories and stuff. And I know you are a famous actor, well almost famous. You will be I know it. I tell all my friends I know a famous actor...And I really want to teach kids too, OH ... and do computers, like my Dad" 

I realized right then and there that she was definitely a messenger to me in that moment. I needed to write more for the world to see. I go through waves of keeping things in my journal or my diary and not sharing too much online. Then there is the Pilot script I am working on, and the Feature Film script as well. All those things seem to take precedence lately. I guess because I envision their rewards as being much greater than simply bogging about my life - or writing poetry (my true love). I also get hung up on "What" exactly I can write about. I always judge weather or not what I will write will have any impact on anyone or that really anyone cares.

Who cares? Just Write! Here's to a new chapter in sharing my life and all that I love.


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