Wednesday, February 20, 2013

All Adventurous Women Do #GIRLS

I know, I'm a little late for the party bus that is the HBO phenom, GIRLS.

Really, If you are as well then I suggest having a seat in front of your flat screen, making yourself a triple espresso and carving a comfy place on your couch. Watch one, you'll watch five (or more). It's brilliant.

As each episode's end credits roll, and Lena Dunham's name passes by as "Writer", "Director", and "Executive Producer" (Not to mention she plays the starring role, Hannah), I long for the next installment. I also long to know "Why exactly do I love it so much?"

The late '90s and Mid '00's were my "GIRLS" time. When finding a job in my chosen field seemed as impossible as anything other than settling for being a waiter, or worse a sales guy at the GAP. When "Sex" was something EVERYONE was doing (Except Me!) and when crabs became  the oft price to pay for such an "Adventurous" life. I just read where HPV has replaced crabs as the "go-to" STD for "Adventurous" people. (See title of this post, and credit Lena Dunham for it's cache!)

Things really haven't changed much, except for the advent of such things as twitter and picture-phone messaging to flirt with the guy across the room, to send an SOS out into the world for, what we USED to call, a "Booty Call".

But GIRLS, is not just about SEX. It's about being a GIRL. It's about looking for love in all the wrong places, finding it and then being too afraid to break up with him because he is too nice - even though you cringe when he kisses you. It's about having a boyfriend, just because he is hot, thinks you're hot - even though you look in the mirror and see a fat pig. It's about being okay with being sexually harassed by your boss a) because you need the job and b) he really is a "nice" guy! It's also about having your journal read out loud onstage by your roommates boyfriend, accompanied by his wretched band telling the world how much you really hate him and how she should break up with him.... just having your journal read by someone other than you, behind your back. That's Typical.

In the summer of 1998, my friends started talking about this new show that had premiered on HBO about being a single woman in Manhattan. They raved on about how brilliant it was, so much so that each one of them had assumed one of the characters as the archetype that fit their own. We would be at dinner and they would say to me "You're so Carrie Bradshaw" and another would argue ... oh no .. he is DEFINITELY CHARLOTTE... CHARLOTTE ALL THE WAY. I looked at them all like idiots. I didn't even own a TV then, much less have HBO. When I met my partner in 2005, he too, was "Mostly Miranda" and because of my love for him, I sat down to watch this show. I had the same exact knee-jerk reaction that I did with Girls.

"GIRLS" has become the "SEX IN THE CITY" of today. I am very thankful that I am not ten years late to this party. I guess the older I get, the cooler I get, which would make me TOTES "MARNI", because I have grown up from being ole' boring Charlotte!

Catch it Sunday's at 9pm on HBO.

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