Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Every morning when I wake up, I thank God for coffee. I also thank God for my partner sleeping next to me.

Then I get dressed, douce myself in my Eau de Jour, take a good look in the mirror, and say "I look __________!" (Insert pridefull or self depreciating emotion here) Which is really key, as it effects the following moments.

Then I put on my comfy shoes and my coat, and Thank God that I am dry and warm.

As  I ride the subway to whatever location I happen to be working at I begin wonder what I might be getting myself into for the day; How long will my work last? What might be waiting for me for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner, which is usually (most always) followed by a resounding
"I'm getting fat" which leads me to amp down my daily calorie allowance for the day and plan my next juice cleanse- after all I am going to The Mayan Riviera next week, and you know what that means! I need a new bathing suit. Speaking of Suit, can I just tell you how much I love Justin Timberlake's "Suit and Tie" video! I wanna live in that world! Ahh ...

It's a wonder I ever managed to make it to my Kabbalah class last night.

And thank God I did, because this is what I learned;

Eitan cleared a few things up for me which I intend to share with you here.  Have you Ever thought about that story in the bible, the one about the Golden Calf? If not the story goes a little like this; Moses went up the mountain (SINAI!) to fetch some immortality. Meanwhile down at the other end of the mountain, the rest of us got a little bored. So, we made a golden calf - a statue of a baby cow, made of gold and diamonds that we hawked off all our Women...  Then we decided it was so incredible that we wanted to worship it. After all, who needs a god who you can't SEE! Consequently, we chose to do all this nonsense just 18 hours short of the fortieth day Moses would return to us, with the real treat. But NOOOOO we had to have it NOW! So what happened to that little treat Moses brought back down with him?  We lost it.

Sound familiar?

But what does it have to do with Me, My Coffee, My Partner, My Cologne, My Clothes, What I eat (or not eat!), with me looking fab or flat, My Job .. MY TRIP TO CANCUN ...  OR MY KABBALAH?????

"Everything" Eitan said. 

If I've ever said "I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT...." any of those physical things listed above, or anywhere else in my life;

 I am worshiping the modern golden calf.

When we attach ourselves to anything but the energy that is the Light of the Creator (God,  The Universe, or whatever else you want to call it) we immediately limit our capacity to receive all that that energy wants to share with us. When we say "I WANT IT NOW" without being patient and waiting for the process to unfold, we are worshiping the golden calf.

Have you ever been in a relationship where you "put all your eggs in one basket", so to speak? Meaning, you feared that if anything ever happened, you would loose everything? Where you became so co-dependant on that relationship (no matter how great or how bad it is!) that the THOUGHT of ruffling the other persons feathers for fear of their reaction, immobilized you to do or say nothing?

That too is worshiping the modern Golden Calf. 

So what's so bad about worshiping the Golden Calf anyway? If I am, then ... what's happening, am I going to HELL?

No. But we aren't living in Heaven either, no matter how great we think it is. The Universe (G-d, Light .. etc) Want's us to have EVERYTHING. 

Do you understand the capacity of that word? Let me spell it out for you ....

E   V   E   R   Y    T    H    I    N   G 

Which ironically includes all of that physical stuff too; like your Soul Mate, your perfect job, more money than you know what do with. It also includes more than you can ever imagine, because even your imagination is limited. 

So whats the solution? 

Be aware, Lets start there. That's all. Ask yourself when go to do something out of habit or routine WHY you are doing it? 
Change it up. Do something different, let go of the old and allow yourself to be welcomed by what the Universe reveals to you. And if you think you can't do that ... Start Small, I mean ... really small. Like instead of brushing your teeth first thing in the morning, take a shower first, or take an extra few moments to snuggle your loved one. Take a different route to work, for once take the long way - instead of the short- See what happens. You might just meet the business partner you have been searching for, or run into an old friend from high school you've been thinking about. Anything is possible, but WE have to be open to it.

Lets see what happens! Rome wasn't built in a day ...  and I am surely not ready to give up my coffee yet either!

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