Friday, April 9, 2010

An Inspiring Woman

Many years ago, I had the opportunity to teach a SFK ( Family Class at the Kabbalah center.

The Family classes are so different than the outreach classes for many reasons, but mainly because it creates an environment for unity amongst families. It offers each of them the same vocabulary to use both inside, and outside of the classroom. It gives them all the power to take responsibility, both parents and kids alike.

In many cases, the children are the ones who end up teaching the parents a thing or two about "Reactive Behavior" and Choosing to listen to the "Good Guy Voice" instead of the "Opponent".

As is with many SFK family classes, this particular class was not just for families that are in lower socio-economic demographics, but for everyone.

Meet "The Bochners".

I was immediately drawn to this family for many reasons. There is a dynamic amongst them that is unmistakable. They are both bold and wholesome at the same time. Think Brady Bunch, meets the Osborne's.

Mr. Bochner is a very successful Doctor. His wife, Lisa, after spending many years working in marketing and PR, chose not to work and to be active in the lives of their two children. Active is she ever, and not in a nagging annoying way either. It's rare that you see children (now teenagers) responding to and respecting their parents the way these two respect Lisa. Lisa is VERY grounded and real, yet very much a dreamer, she is hip, she is cool, she is beautiful, both inside and out.

Just being in her presence makes you aware that the universe has huge plans for her.

What seemed on the surface at the time was clearly a facade. Soon after I began teaching them, I found out that Lisa was enduring a battle with stage 4 breast cancer. She had started to undergo the necessary treatments and was masking their effects with unbelievable grace. If her husband would have never told me, I would have never know.
Their entire family was in a state of shock. Their rock was starting to roll, and not in a fun way.

After the class concluded, we kept in touch. I would visit them all regularly and have dinner with them. The Bochner's really allowed me into their home as a part of their family. Lisa won her battle with Breast Cancer like it was the world series. After doing so, nothing was stopping her.

Shortly after, Braden - their son, grew extremely fond of Fashion. They support and encourage him in ways that are far beyond the "normal" American family. For example, one year Braden wanted to do a collection of outfits, a la Project Runway. Lisa organized an evening at their house, equipped with Red Velvet Cupcakes and Swag Bags that contained little mini Bliss products.

This is Lisa. She would not only do this for her own children, but for anyone.

For example, several months ago, I expressed a desire to meet Harvey Weinstein. The Weinstein's are producing the film adaptation of Paulo Coelho's "The Alchemist". It's my dream to play the dreamer, "Santiago". When Lisa heard about this she was bound and determined to find the man. To tell you what kind of relationship she has with the cosmos, shortly after having this conversation, she was at a movie with her son. As they walked out of the theater - BAM! There was Harvey. She went right up to him and told him about me.

Lets be frank. Not just "Anyone" would do such a thing.

Last year, Lisa created an unbelievable organization called The Wonder Girls ( that empowers girls age 12 - 18 by offering them workshops with professional, successful women, whom they can look up to and even be mentored by. The organization has grown exponentially and is beginning to draw some major attention. They are now in the process of negotiations with major magazines for sponsorships. All from Lisa's efforts.

I had breakfast with Lisa a few days ago. Upon seeing her I noticed something incredibly different about her. A glow, if you will - not to sound clice. She shared with me that she and her husband were separated and are pursuing a divorce. "It was time" she said. "I could not be happier" she went on. She expressed how she had spent the last 20 + years of her life living to make her Husband happy.

Make no mistake, this awakening, has lead her to this turning point in her life. She is ready to live life not only for herself, but in the capacity to help and inspire people around the world.

She inspires me so much, I want you to meet her.

Lisa my number one Vote for More Magazine's "Most Fabulous Over 40" Lady.

If you feel so inclined, go to and vote for her as well.

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