Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's not them, it's US !

February 27, 2010

You'd have to live under a rock not to know about all the chaos that's happening in the world. Last Month, the quake in Haiti, and just this morning, the 2nd largest earthquake in history (an 8.8 on the rictor scale) hit the Republic of Chile in South America.
As I type this post, all eyes are on Hawaii as scientists are expecting a Tsunami of paramount proportions to hit any minute now.

Do you ever sit back and say, "Whoa, Thank God, Me and My Family aren't effected by that ..."?

Well, if you are (and most of us have been at some point) I invite you to think bigger. Every one of us is effected by the great disasters that are taking place in the world these days; A big sign that we aren't doing enough about it ...

Whats required of us is more than just the reactive relief aid we rush to send at first sound of such catastrophes. What is required of us is a call to action, not just in the physical level, but on a metaphysical, spiritual level.

How so, you ask ...? Ever heard of the Butterfly Effect ? (A butterfly flaps it's wings in Japan ...)

Simply stated, Our own selfish behavior - our doubt & uncertainly, our reactive nature and Me first mentality plants direct seeds for chaos in the world.

Use this example (from the Zohar); imagine that the world is a scale. Each one of our actions, words and thoughts tips the scale. Positive actions, words, and thoughts, tip the scale to the right towards mercy, compassion and love. Negative actions have the direct opposite effect, Tipping the scale toward pain and suffering. Every word, every thought, every action is but a grain of sand. Therefore, in the grand scheme of things, that one choice we make toward our selfish nature could tip the scale in an unfavorable direction.

Huge responsibility huh? Yes, but not for fear's sake friends.
Again, we are given an opportunity to wake up to begin to take personal responsibility for the state of the world.
While we can not change what is in the past, we can meditate and pray for those who are directly effected by these disasters.

It starts now.
May we all begin to tip the scale in the positive direction.

God Bless.

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