Monday, March 22, 2010

A Balancing Act; Picking Up From Before

I managed to pull myself together and got back to Yoga today. It was so challenging. Unusually challenging. I thought for sure that because of the rain outside it would be warm and cozy to be enveloped in the Bikram studio for a couple of hours. Boy was I wrong!
Warm, it was (always ranges in between 100 - 125 deg) but definitely not cozy! I was not prepared for the humidity that made doing 28 asana's (poses) like trudging through the trenches on a hot Florida day!

But I made it through.

That's what they say the important part is - just to make it through. Hard concept for a Virgo, trust me. We want everything to be perfect, including our sweaty asana's.
I tried to concentrate with "English Bull Dog Determination & Bengal Tiger Strength" and found my mind (and my spiritual guides) helping me make sense of it all by way of comparing these two hours to my 33 years of life.
Yoga is such a metaphor for life.
This is what I had to remind myself of today in my heated room, whilst on my toes praying in padangustatsa.
Don't give up.
When you begin to fall, just put your hands on the ground and catch your balance.
Once you've got it, lift your gaze to see yourself in the mirror.
Return to stillness.

This is life.

After Yoga, I met an old friend for lunch. My friend and I have gone through waves of closeness through the past 15 years. Regardless of what is going on in each other lives though we are always there for each other. No matter what.

Brad (not his real name) has been through a huge battle over the last 6 years. A battle that includes abuse, neglect and an affair with Crystal Meth. This guy who has always been talented and handsome beyond his own belief, has - in recent years- lost his sense of self. When I started to notice his dance with destruction I became gravely concerned. Unfortunately, you can not help someone who doesn't want help, so I had to sit back and do what I could from a far.

Brad is a fighter, thank god, and always has been. At one point he even turned his battle with Meth into a one-man-show that got the attention of producers at CNN.

I never lost faith.

When I saw him today, he was different. I noticed immediately that the luster in his eyes was beginning to return. He asked me questions about spirituality and the mechanics of the universe and we talked like we have never talked before. And trust me, we have talked before! but what was different this time was that ee listened. To each other.
For the first time in a long time, I feel confident that Brad is going to come out of his challenges making a huge difference in his life, and those around him.

I share this with you, because it was a huge reminder to me about how vital it is to never give up. Not on our friends, on our loves one, on ourselves.
Never to give up on our hopes and dreams. Our Passions.
Never give up the ability we have to constantly create and recreate something from nothing.
To transform ourselves.

Remember Bikram -
Don't give up.
When you begin to fall, just put your hands on the ground and catch your balance.
Make up your mind, you won't fail.
Once you've got it, lift your gaze to see yourself in the mirror.
Return to stillness.

We have to remember that the light of the creator NEVER gives up on us. As we are "Created in his image" we must constantly remind ourselves.

Thanks for listening. I will never give up on you.


Now we enter the energy of Scorpio. Here are the specs;

Scorpio – Don’t Hate Yourself. Don’t Judge or Be Jealous of Others.

Tips for the month of Scorpio

· Stay calm; don’t create crises

· Be proactive

· Think of consequences on self and others

· Invite the Light in

· Achieve fulfillment through self-control

· Don’t control

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