Tuesday, March 30, 2010

An Apple, A Kiwi and The Zohar ... Miracles, "OH MY"

If you don't believe in miracles, listen to these stories of one simple day....

Several posts back I shared here that I had had a dream about a former student of mine who we call Kiwi. Many of you reached out to me expressing your compassion and your care and the angels must have heard your love in the upper worlds.

Thursday was full of challenges and tests, including (but not limited to) the hard drive on my computer completely giving out on me first thing in the morning. I mean, it's not the end of the world, per say, but I had been working on some things that had yet to be backed up. I chalked it up to the universe giving me a merciful way of learning a lesson in Letting Go.
After reaching out to my facebook friends, I decided that a trip to the Genius Bar was in order. Better to handle the problem promptly, instead of prolonging the suffering. My appointment was for 5:00pm.

In between waking up @ 8am and a 5pm Genius Appointment, I had a multitude of tasks and appointments that had to be checked off my list; Including a second job interview for a job I didn't really want and a 2:30pm meeting to drop off a Zohar to local Lutheran church. (Go to www.dailyzohar.com to learn more about the Zohar and it's amazing gift of blessings), AS WELL as well as a meeting with a dear friend to discuss a project we want to create together.

Time was of the essence. And if you have ever paid a visit to the genius bar, you know that you don't want to miss the appointment, as it means just another delay in getting your device back up and running.

I made my 12:00pm interview on time, early actually. I was offered the Job on the spot. (More on that to come)

Around 1pm my friend called me to let me know that she had missed her bus and that we were going to have to delay the Zohar delivery about an hour.
Immediately, I just wanted to cancel on her and reschedule for another time, because I didn't see how all this "Fit" into "My" plan. But something told me I shouldn't.

I showed up to Ellen's place to deliver the Zohar. We walked over to the church and upon our arrival we were greeted with a simple "No, Thank You" after asking to speak to the pastor, his assistant kindly offered that he was busy getting ready for the evenings liturgy.
Ellen had experienced this sort of rejection with the Zohar project before. But I've got to hand it to her, she was relentless. She got on the phone with the coordinator of the project and, to no avail, was met with a busy signal. We regrouped at Starbucks. I appointed my timeline to Ellen and she requested "Let's just try one more church" "Okay" I acquiesced. As we left Starbucks she saw a steeple.
"Let's go there" She exclaimed. Certain that THAT church was the lucky recipient of our Zohar!

As we got closer to the church, I started to take notice. Approaching the door I began to take inventory of it's grandeur. It was huge. Not like St. Pat's huge, but modern with heightened security. It was a church of Latter Day Saints... and you know their reputation for not being "open" to anything other than their own doctrines.
I buzzed the buzzer anyway. A lovely girl voice answered.
"We have a book for you that offers your church and community healing and protection, it's our gift to you" I said to her through the intercom.
"OK, I'll be right down to get it" She said...
Until she got downstairs and saw a gay man and an Asian girl in a wheel chair with a "book" that's 23 volumes sitting on her lap.

"Here is the book" I pointed, extending her a pamphlet and letter explaining the energy contained within it's pages.
I went on to explain how the vision of this particular project is to unite all religious organizations, including churches of all denominations, mosques, synagogues and Buddhist Temples. The Zohar, just by merit of having it in your presence, creates an opening spiritually to bring people together.

"You know what" She said trying to buy herself some time
"Let me just take these materials here and I will have someone call you and let you know if we are interested in taking your book" She continues with the chill of Utah on a Sunday January morning.
"How about we leave it for you, and if your boss objects to it then we will come back and pick it up" Ellen said peering over the top of the large box on her lap.
"This letter will be fine, I am not in a place to accept gifts on behalf of the church" She noted as she said her gratitude and shut the door.
Defeated, Ellen felt.
"Wanna find one more" She said.
"NO" I continued,
"We will take the Zohar back to your place and we will find out where it needs to go when we get back in touch with the project manager" I protested, while already having missed my meeting with my other friend and now quite possibly missing my Genius appointment!!!! OH NO !!!
We ran back to Ellen's place, stowed the Zohar safely and off I went. Broken MacBook in tow.
I called Tommy as I was walking out
"Meet me at the Apple store in SoHo, We can at least talk about our project while we are waiting"
He was down with that.
As I arrived, I noticed my name on the screen. #7 on the list.
Whew. Gonna make it.
Then they called my name "Daniel Bobby Tuttle"
Meet Rafael, my genius.
God bless him. He had a look over Balthazar (The name I gave my computer) did a diagnosis on it.
Yup. Hard Drive fried.
"Let me hook it up to our server and see if I can salvage any of the stuff on it" he said.
All I could think about was what a fool I was for not saving my screenplay, "Bait; Trapped By The Truth" on another format. I have been working on it for nine months, and while I don't proclaim it to be Shakespeare, it has been something I have given birth to - My First Screenplay, and they say that the power of everything you do after that is contained within the first of anything.
My heart was racing.
"Well, looks good" he said.
"I'll tell you what, I will replace your hard drive complimentary. We can extract the old one and you can take it somewhere to have the contents transferred to a disk, or I can sell you a backup drive for $99, save everything for you there and you can take it home with you now. When we get your Mac back up, it will be like brand new and you can use the drive to put anything back on it you wish"
"Done". I said.
"And then next time, you won't have to freak out about loosing anything, because you will have a new back up drive that will auto-save everything you do" said the Genius.
(There is a reason his name is Rafael .. he was definitely my angel for the day)

Miracle. Check !

As Rafael was performing surgery on Balthazar, Tommy and I went to grab something to eat to talk about our project. His ideas were also ... Genius.

Miracle. Check !

THEN ... I went back to the Apple store to pick up my baby. Sitting there waiting, writing away on my phone, oblivious to my surroundings....
Kar-Plunk ! I fell of the side of the bench. Ass first about a foot off the ground ! BAM! Everyone starred.
"Are you Okay ?" they exclaimed !
Laughing hysterically, I picked myself up. "I'm Fine, Thank You".
As I calmed myself down, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said
"Daniel, is that you?" I recognized the voice immediately.
"KIWI" I shouted for the whole store to hear me

We caught up for a good 2o minutes. I spoke to his Mom and got caught up on their whereabouts. They were doing well. Out of the shelter and into a home in Kenarsi. Kiwi was doing well in school and his mom was very proud of him. He grabbed the phone from her
"Daniel... Guess what ???" " I am an Actor now, just like you" he screamed. "I'm doing a show with my school and it's going to be on Broadway in June, will you come???"
"Of Course!" I said.

We ended our conversation, exchanged information, and made plans to meet up soon.


I have learned through the years that nothing happens alone, or as you "Plan". The fact that Kiwi got in touch with me "out of the blue" is completely illogical and unexpected.
That's how the universe works, my friends.

I am certain that as I shared this story with you, your output of compassion and love was heard in the upper worlds, and those messengers carried to Kiwi's heart.

I am forever thankful to you for that.

Thank you for allowing me to share my life with you.

Love Always,

1 comment:

  1. Amazing!!!! I'm so happy to hear that he is doing well. Thank God. You are such a channel...
