Sunday, March 7, 2010

What ?

Every Tuesday afternoon I teach a staff development workshop here in Manhattan. In the workshop, I lead the team through activities and lessons that have been created to bring them closer together facilitating open communication to garner responsibility of being a part of a team. A lack of unity creates room for chaos. Chaos manipulated by fear and doubt and myriad of other things. The ultimate goal in a group like this is to eliminate that space of feeling "I can do it alone" "Nobody listens to Me" "What does she know?" Ect and so forth.

A few weeks ago I had such a hard time pulling myself into the class. I didn't feel like I had it in me to inspire 13 people to come together when I myself could not pull myself together. I had been feeling stuck in my life, blocked from hearing and seeing things that give me clues that I am on the right path. Contrary to My ego's lure of having to always be in control I just told them- point blank. "I wasn't feeling "IT". You can imagine the surprise on their faces when their own "Life Coach" came up empty handed! Yet, I have to tell you, they responded with the biggest hearts and together we realized that we were ALL there for each other. Once I let go, all the answers came.

At the conclusion of the class one of the participants (who happens to be incredibly intuitive), pulled me aside to ask if she could help. Naturally, I found myself back in the "I can handle it on my own, I'll be fine" reactive state.
I declined her offer.
She persisted. Thank God.

Here is what she shared with me, that I would like to pass on to you.
When we are feeling stuck, like we aren't going anywhere or getting the results we want, or even simply tapping into a more positive energy, We need to take a minute to step back to ask ourselves "Who is in control?". If your answer is "I am", then you are trying to answer all your own problems/questions yourself. By doing so, you attach your own opinions and limited life experience to the equazion. For sure you don't have the correct answer, because if you did you wouldn't be "stuck". The proactive opportunity is to tune ourself back into the cosmic telephone lines. They are open, but the only way for us to hear them is to pick up the receiver and dial L411, or in this case ... ASK QUESTIONS.

"Why is this happening to me?"
"What can I do to move through this?"
"Where should I change things in my life"
"I can't do it alone, Can you help me?"
"I don't know the answer to this, do you?"
...and so on and so forth.

Walk around all day asking yourself these things then tune in and listen to the messages. They come in some of the most bizarre ways, like through billboards or song lyrics. Sometimes, even a friend. Don't judge where the answer is coming from, just listen.

As you ask questions you open yourself up to the answers. The answers can lead you out of the dark. I have begun to "pick up the receiver" in my life recently and I have already seen a huge shift in my life.

I know you will as well.

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