Monday, March 15, 2010

A New Month, A New Year ... A Better Version of Myself.

As I type to you, The New Lunar Month of Aires is about to take it's cosmic place in the cosmos. We know from the great sage's of history that the beginning of any lunar month contains the seed for the entire month. It is said that on Rosh Chodesh (First day of the new moon) we should make a connection to the energy of the month in some way, like through meditation or through prayer (please email me if you would like some powerful Kabbalistic tools to help you).

Today not only marks the dawn of a new month, but also the month of the sign of Nissan, or Aires, as we call it in the gregorian calendar.
Aires is special for many reasons but most importantly because it is the FIRST of all of the twelve signs.
So what you say ?
Well, anytime something is first, it contains the energy of all that follows it. So contained within this day is energy for the entire year, and the additional gift we have is that throughout the first twelve days of this month, the comos give us an opportunity to take control of all the 12 signs that follow.
For example; Aires begins tonight and will continue tomorrow, Taurus will begin at sunset Tuesday night, Gemini on Weds Night .. etc so forth.
As we all know, each sign has a particular correction to it, or an energy that both challenges us and helps us according to your own chart. (You can go to my friend Zion's website and get a free astro chart according to Kabbalah @ (

For me, I can tell you that this time of the year is so incredibly exciting. It's exciting and its a bit scary too. They say that what you do in these twelve days mirrors what happens to you in the coming year, so we need to pay extra attention to our own reactive nature. One of those ways, I call the "Do as I say, Not as I do" reactive gene. It states that you are quick to share such valuable information for others, but don't take the neccesary time to apply it to your own life. It's being a Teacher, not a Preacher.

Always a challenge.

My commitment is to make every effort this month to lead by example, through not only my words, but my actions.

For starters today, in the first day, the day that corresponds to the sign of Aires I am going to challenge myself with the following tasks;

Aries – Look to Complete things
This is HUGE for me. I have an abundance of Gemini energy in my chart, so it's naturally hard for me to complete things. As a matter of fact, I have even tried to "saved" this post several time, for later.

Tips for the month of Aries

· Remember the past to avoid repeating mistakes

· Before acting – ask for the Light to guide you

· Decrease ego by remembering we are just a channel for Light

· Empathize with others

· Avoid conflict

In accordance with the guidelines above here are my commitments.

1) Remember always that when people ask me for advice (which they do a lot) that they are not asking "me" for advice, but trusting that I am a channel for the light. It's often hard for me, because I am quick to help someone because I think I "know", even when I don't.

2) I can be very critical, not necesarily with malice, but because I have a "keen" eye for things. Often I speak and have been known to sound as though I have a "Fork Tounge" that stings. I am going to try to transform this as well, by empathizing with others to see that I am truly coming from the right place.

3) I am not a very confrontational person in general, but I want to use the Aires to help me to be more confrontational, in a proactive way. Using the above tools, I know I can be successful in that, but it is one of the hardest things for me.

4) I am going to complete the task of sharing in this blog my journey through these 12 days. Also, to GO to Yoga as much as possible (I have slacked in the last 4 days) and to work on my screenplay (which I have also procrastinated on).

There you have it.

"See" you tomorrow ! CHODESH TOV EVERYONE !

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