Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fighting the Ram, Red Flag in Hand

Welcome to Day 2 of the "Going for it" plan. Each day we are planting the seeds for the new year through renewed commitment which I have made to you (Dear Reader) through this column.

I don't know about you, but I felt an incredible shift in energy today. Surely, there was a lighter vibe in the ear, but none-the-less it had it's challenges.

Every Tuesday I teach a group of amazing girls, age 14 - 19, that happen to be incarcerated in a girls halfway house in Brooklyn.

Today was challenging.

For the first time since we began (which has been nearly 8 weeks now) we saw the arrival of two new girls. One who is four months pregnant and another who could no be bothered with anything other than her desire to speak her mind against the establishment. I asked her to listen and to, at very least, pay attention to the class. She proceeded to dive her nose into a book and rely on the psychosis of her "ADHD" which has obviously been stigmatized to her nearly her entire life, to get her through the hour and a half that was ahead of her.

Today marked our 8th week with these ladies and as each class builds on the class before. There is very little I can do to catch these new recruits up to the standard the rest of the class has achieved thus far. It continues to be one of the great challenges in this particular level of work that I do. One day they are in, the next they are out.

The entire purpose of what we do at SFK (sfk.org) relies on the principle of empowering teens to believe in themselves and to know that the challenges that they face are nothing more than opportunities to reveal their greatness.

With that understanding I created and assigned a new activity. Instead of holding those who have begin to implement our tools into thier own lives, I wanted them to go to their next level while trying my best to bring the newbies up to speed.
I came up with a new project. I asked each of them to creatively express themselves through the power of letter writing. In doing so, I asked them to write (or draw .. etc...) a letter to themselves from the perspective of the absolute best version of who they wish to become in the future. In doing so they will highlight the challenges they have overcome in their life and how all of it has made them who they are now.
You would not believe these chicks desires. So many of them, so huge - including (but not limited to) becoming the female version of Johnny Chochran, Doctors, Nurses, Surgeons and the first female member of the NFL.
In lieu of all the challenges that I faced in teaching them today and the insight of the cosmos and what we know is available to us now, I was inspired to share with you my own personal letter from my higher version of me.

Dear Bobby,

From me to you, I promise the truth
Something you struggled with, lost in your youth.
You didn't believe; so much in yourself -
wanted it all; talent and wealth.

I'd like to show you, who you will become.
I am you, from where you have won.
We are talented, far beyond you ever conceived;
Worked with Stars, traveled the world, in wonder and belief.
We have inspired many; to live out their dreams.
We've persevered through all the challenges
and all that it seemed.

Be at peace, know your story
it's far more exciting, in all it's glory.
All truth - no mirrors and smoke;
the facts about you, going for broke.

You are loved, beyond all measure
So much so,
Now and Forever.


Doing this activity gave me so much peace. I encourage you to try it as well.

So with that said, as of sundown tonight we are onto day two; the day of Taurus. Here are the Facts;

Taurus Avoid being Comfortable. If it’s Uncomfortable, do it.

Tips for the month of Taurus

· Listen to others

· Embrace discomfort

· Actively share with others

· Transform complacency to movement

Notes on Taurus from our Teacher, Eitan Yardenni;

Our natural tendencey is not the get out of our comfort zone. However one of the best ways to break fears, laziness and tiredness is to chase after the opportunity to break this comfort. Shut the mind down, jump into action. This alone allows us the opportunity and the strength to overcome.

The goal is to build natural desire to go beyond our comfort zone to go for this aspect and fire of sharing, that we know is the right thing to do.

When we face a situation, the only thing we can do is change the desire. Do I "want" to or do I not? today, lets jump into action into the things that we know we should do , but those that we procrastinate in doing.

One thing recommended; anything you know you should do - jump to do it. Do not hesitate. Go all the way, without hesitation.

When we feed our body the whole way with pleasures, like food, sleep, sex etc, we give power to our heaviness and laziness. However when we do not go "all the way" with these desires by cutting off 25% of the physical comfort it diffusses the heaviness of the body and connect the soul a lot easier.

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