Monday, March 8, 2010

My Avatar

Nearly every day it happens.

Someone comes up to me; "Are you Syler from HERO'S?" They ask.
Another one,
"Can I take your picture and tell my best friend in Kansas that I met Zachary Quinto!?!?!?!?"
"Will you take My Daughter to the prom and pretend you are Syler?"
Definitely not.
Often, I catch people staring at me in a restaurant or something, and then doing a little gossipy thing with their neighbor.
One time on the F train, I mustered up the chuzbah to ask.
These guys could have kicked my ass - really blue collar looking types from Brooklyn.

"Me and My Bud here have a bet going that you are on Hero's? My Wife loves you!"
"What's the bet?" I said
"A Pint" he said
"Do I get in on it?" I responded.
The entire train starred. I was eating the moment up, to be honest.
Then the big one; "Sorry bro, your paying for happy hour tonight! - I'm NOT SYLER!"
"Ahh man" The big guy was so upset. I felt like I took a lolly from a kid.
"See, I told you." The other one chimed in "No way that movie star guy would be riding on the train"
"That not right, Joe" "I once saw Tony Danza on the train" their conversation continued.

Ding. I exited the train.

Last Fall, I was working on a film called "The Other Guys". Mark Wahlberg's assistant, Brian, whom I grew to know pretty well, would beg me everyday. "Can't we just put you in a Star Trek costume and prop you in the middle of Times Square?" Half amused I would laugh. Always ready to make an extra buck that one is. "We could charge everyone $10 to take a picture with you. It'll be great. I'll keep 10% and you can have the rest!"
Funny. I have to admit.

I don't see it. But other's do, so I got to thinking ...

Perhaps, this guy is my Avatar!

Lets look at the similarities;
I am an actor and he is an actor. Check.
We are nearly the same age (he is an aquarius and I am a virgo .. POLAR OPPOSITES, makes sense for an Avatar). Check
We went to complimentary performing arts schools. Check

It would work in a James Cameron movie, for sure. But I still don't see it.

I once even had a dream that he came up to me and said "Daniel? Are you THE DANIEL TUTTLE",
Yes I nodded.
"Everyone keeps telling me we look alike"
"Naa .. how can that be? EVERYONE keeps telling ME we look alike!" I responded.
Then a director yelled "Places - 1st team" and We did some crazy scene in a Matrix like movie.

I am embarrased to say I have never seen Hero's. I hear "Syler" is a "bad" guy. How great would it be to play his twin, the "good" one ! ?

Anyone know any big wig's at NBC ???? : - p

Then there's the whole Star Trek thing.
My Mom was a trekkie and dragged me to every single incarnation of the franchise... and I fell asleep every time. When I went to see the remake, I LOVED it. I thought he did a great job reinventing Spock.

As you have read from my previous post, I now ask "Why?" about everything. "Why?" him, "Why?" the characters he is associated with? Perhaps I am a bit Sci-Fi or Maybe even a little "dark".
Regardless, the answers will present themselves when they are ready to be understood.
Until then, I think he is brilliant and I am very excited for his career. Looking forward to when our paths do cross!

Guess I better go rent Hero's now. 4 seasons is A LOT to catch up on !

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